so im starting a flash animation team. im going to have some artists, animators, a music guy and maybe a programmer. im going to think of all the ideas and you guys are going to animate it and possibly going to make some money. maybe if we're successfull we'll make a game next(which is why we need a programmer). heres a list of all the peopple im going to need right now:
job openings for new flash team:
1 artist(for the backrounds)
2 animators
1 writer(theyll write out my ideas)
1 musician
1-2 programmers(for the menus and games and stuff)
im going to manage you guys and think up all the ideas. when we get sponsored its going to be divided up like this:
manager/founder(me): 30%
artists: 20%
animatores: 15%
writrers: 10%
musician: 5%
programmars: 10%
also i dont have a name thought up yet for our team but i think we're going to go as the killer elite. if yuor intereested email me at first come first serve!!1!
also once we get started and i need moer people ill just makee a new post with anymorer job listings i think up