I've noticed a considerable increase in the number of quality flash making the top 50 in the past year or so. Its great to see all this new talent from amazing authors, but doesn't this raise another issue, won't the increase in amount of quality submissions also increase the quality standards of Newgrounds viewers?
For instance, will only the most amazing entries get noticed, while others are completely ignored? Like, suppose someone works extensively on a project for 6 months only to be completely ignored because of the release of a much larger project by someone else. I'm not saying that its completely bad, because it could root out crappier entries, but wouldn't also mean others would have to work harder and harder for their work to be even acknowledged?
I don't really care if it's a game it just needs good gameplay, art, and a storyline.
nothing "god-like" needed there.
And as for movies I don't like %40 of the movies in the top 50, why because I'm the kind of guy that likes humor from those phoxie wrong movies, and madness from the maddness movies.
It sounds like games are a little underrated here on the portal.