I didn't originally plan to make a Madness movie. But I was struck with an inspiration for an idea, so I started work on it about early-September. I figured if it was mostly to consist of boring Madness clones made by noobie authors, I'd figure I'd have at least a chance(if still slim) of winning something. But I know of at least one or two decent authors who are undoubtedly going to make something halfway decent for the occasion, so I probably won't get first.
Unfortunately, it seems to be taking longer than I thought, considering that its almost completely frame-by-frame. So far, i'm done with about 20 seconds of outlining the 1 1/2 minute movie. I was pretty lazy to start out, working only like an hour a day. Then I didn't feel like working on it for a week. So now, I really need to pick up the pace, if I want to finish on time, without making a rush job. Its going to take a lot of luck and effort. Hopefully, I'll have an extra day or two if Tom acts really nice.
Also, to all the people submitting Madness movies early: Tom says to wait until Madness Day to submit your movies. Just needed get it out.
Heres a screenie. Hope I won't get too many letters from angry fanboys for my "unorthodox" style. :-P
Good job! Don't submit it late, even if you can. It will ruin the spirit of Madness day!
I'll try. :-)